Thursday, December 29, 2011

I wish I could have a calendar to post to the side of my blog that I could just update with what exercises I did for that day.
On 12/25 I jumped for 20 min. About 300 calories burned
I don't remember what I did on Monday or Tuesday. But Wednesday I  Ran 2 miles, in 25 min burned 249 calories and then did 1123 Jumps for 10 min and burned 157 Calories. Total of 406 calories Burned. Not to shabby!
Today 12/29
2.38 miles
29 minutes
Burned 286 Calories.
I probably would have done more but the kids where awake, and I need to start preparing for dinner.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Distance 5k
Time 38 min with a 5 min cool down : 43 min total
Calories 400

I almost beat miguel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Class Canceled.

Well I wanted to do my Dance fit class but it was cancelled. I guess there wasn't enough people signed up. So I decided to do Yoga and I arrived to find out that it was cancelled as well :( NO BUENO. Even though I am incredibly sore I still wanted to work out. I figured since I was there and with no husband or kids to interrupt I would take advantage of the sweet facilities that my husband's work has available. I walked into the cardio room and there are 3 people. 2 guys, one on the elliptical, one running on the treadmill and a old lady on an elliptical.(in a hideous Christmas sweater vest I might add). I get on a treadmill and I'm trying to figure this thing out. I mean the one I run on at home is extremely simple. But these were big with so many buttons : 5k, fat burner or fitness test buttons. You have the choice of Manual, rolling hills or incline. and there was a heart rate button but I couldn't figure it out. I had to start my treadmill over like 3 times because it must have been on a presetting. I would set my speed at 5.0 and after 2 min it would start to drop. Once I finally figured it out, I was able to run for 30 minutes. I did 2.3 miles and burned 250 calories. I could have ran further but the cramp I was getting in my right butt cheek was hindering me from further progress. hahahah. It felt good to run and stretch out my hurting muscles. I'm glad I didn't just walk away and NOT do anything for the day. Afterwards I went to Toys R Us to do some shopping for Christmas so I got a good cool down too :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

3-2-1 Workout

As I sit here in pain, I can barely keep my hands propped up on the key board to type. I, for the first time, realize that I am a wimp! Yes, I always thought of myself as tough, but tonight at my 3-2-1 workout class I was proven wrong. So utterly wrong. Now for those of you that don't know this workout is, I suggest you look it up. However I have to say it looks so much easier than it actually is, but then again what do I know because I am just a big wimp. I walk into the cardio room and I'm like 5 minutes late, I grab a step thingy and a couple of 5 lb weights, oh and a foam mat. I set up my area and start doing side steps with these weights. Pretty good, I'm movin' then we switch to resistant bands and we have them around our feet and we have to side step, after that we go back to weights, then we do uneven push ups,we do crunches, jackknifes, jumping jacks, more things with weights, skate lunges or something, uneven squats with weights, a lot of different things with weights, dead lift something or something. NO BREAK but yes, I did squeeze in my own breaks. But then as my legs are quivering and my arms are about to give, I start getting light headed. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so funny? Am I breathing wrong? Oh wait I keep forgetting to breathe, maybe I'm dehydrated? Whoooaaaa. Okay I need to step out real quick, so I let the instructor know and I step outside and sit down. I don't know if I just didn't eat enough prior to working out (which I only had a handful of chex mix) but I was dizzy. I gathered myself and wondered how in the world was I going to make it??? I just didn't know. But I went inside, and followed in step with the other girls and my instructor. I kept laughing at myself because I felt so stupid for being so weak. I mean I was really struggling with my weights. I have no upper body strength. After a hour we were done. We did some stretches and even those were draining me. After I left I thought about what I learned.
1. I now understand why some people would rather work out in their home instead of a group setting. I felt "shameful" that I couldn't keep up with the lady that was older than me, or the girl that was bigger than me. Should I feel this way? NO. Absolutely not. But I did. In the moment, I did. I have a new respect for people that are able to put themselves out there to do things they may fear failing, or being judged or laughed at. Working out is no easy task, and if you are just beginning like I am it is just a matter of enduring the beginning to reach the end result.
2. Eat at least 1 hour before working out this hard. And I don't me carb overload like Michael Scott did before his big race on the Office (bbbbbaaaad idea) But I need something with protein and carbs, so maybe toast with peanut butter or a granola bar.
3.Wear comfortable underwear. I think I might even need to invest in some granny panties. There is nothing more annoying than having to pull out a wedgie in between each lunge or squat.
4.I need to focus on my breathing while working out.
5. Keep going. Don't give up. If you have to rest, fine. But finish.
These are just some things I learned today from my first class. I want to go again next week, hopefully each time will get a little bit easier as I get a little stronger.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time 39 min
Distance 3 miles
Calories 346

Friday, December 16, 2011

Did I mention that I've lost even more weight??? I am now at 134 lbs. okay like 134.5 lbs! But my numbers are dropping and that is always exciting. The above pictures are the items of clothing that I use to be able to fit into. The dress is a size 4 Calvin Klein, and I use to wear this dress flawlessly. One Sunday I pulled out this dress to wear for church, my husband ironed it for me and everything. I went to put the dress on and I could only button the top three buttons. That's when reality set in and I realized that I needed to do something about my weight. I had no idea that I gained that much weight. As you can see, I can now button the dress all the way down, but in my midsection there is some tugging. In my other picture I am wearing a pair of BKE Jeans, size 28 low cut .  Last summer I couldn't hardly squeeze these suckers past my thighs. Now I can pull them on and button them. However they give me a pretty bad muffin top (I think because they're a low cut) and they're very snug on my rumpshaker. LOL  For both of these items I think if I lost 5 more lbs (which is my goal weight for now) I will fit in them perfectly. I just need to keep toning and shrinking. How am I gonna do that?
Well last week I attended a Butts and Guts workout group. It was intense. I don't think I had enough water in my system because I felt like I was getting a little bit dizzy. Maybe it was the florescent lighting in the room? I don't know. What I do know is that the next day I could barely sit on my butt because it was sooooo incredibly sore. I even asked my husband to massage my butt ahhahaa. I was sore for about 3 days in so many places. I loved it. I did. I finished and didn't give in, I didn't quite or whine (until I was sore the next day) and I plan on going back again. This week I was suppose to go to more fitness classes but on Friday I got my wisdom teeth pulled and they wouldn't let me exercise for 7 days. Today is day 8 so I plan on running a few miles.
This experience is all new for me. I feel the change in my thinking and in my living. I watch what I eat, how much I eat. I drink plenty of water now and I like exercising. I mean don't get me wrong I have days when I just don't want to do it, but overall I want to, and I need to.  There is such a feeling of accomplishment and then when you start seeing the change it pushes you even more and it makes it so worth it!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

1 Corinthians 9

So I came across this verse in my Bible the other day and I loved the analogy that was used! My husband came home yesterday and said "Hey did you know you're an athlete"? I guess I never really considered it, I mean I haven't played sports since High School. But he said that when he was signing me up for group fitness classes they asked if I was an athlete, he asked "how do you know" and they said if you workout 4 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes a day you are considered an athlete.  Hey that's me! How cool ! Then I read this verse, I really like verse 27 "I discipline my body like an ATHLETE, training it to do what it should" That verse in itself gave me so much satisfaction knowing that I am doing what I should for my body. That refers me to verse 24 "run to win"! I don't want to eat the way i'm eating and workout the way I am just  for a season in my life. I feel like if I did that then I wouldn't be finishing the race and I want to not just finish but win! I want to win a healthy life, a strong body, good habits to teach and pass down to my kids, I want to look attractive for myself and for my husband. I want to live long enough to see and love on my grandchildren. All that to come to verse 25. "All athletes are disciplined"  This is key. It is what makes you continue on and not quit. We are disciplined in so many areas of our life but so many  times we fail at caring for our health. We neglect ourselves, we make excuses and never follow through. 
It is hard, it does take discipline and dedication (not to mention time), it takes planning, it takes strength but it is so worth it. Since I started exercising I have felt so much better about myself. I have more confidence, I feel better and I just have a sense of accomplishment. I still get sad when I start thinking about how much weight I've gained since last year, but at the same time my body now is stronger. I don't think last year I would have been able to run 5 miles. I may have weighed less but I am now more tone. And that feels good.  So take the time for yourself. If not for yourself then for your family. If I can do it, I KNOW anyone cane.! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

136 Pounds

I'm really excited to see progress. I've been running, jumping, and doing some kettle worx dvd's for my core. I have been watching my calories and I have been drinking plenty of water. I have nearly cut soda out entirely. For the longest time it seemed like I was just stuck at 139# and I was getting very frustrated. I felt like I was burning calories but not loosing the numbers on the scale. But the strange thing was that I felt like my body was getting tighter. More fit. Once I started mixing up my routine I started to drop some pounds. That gets me excited! So now i'm 136 lbs. My jeans that are a size 10 no longer fit, my size 8's are more comfy on me. When I first started this diet thing I was at 140 lbs. Actually I think I was more 142 lbs. But I feel like I have lost so much more than just 4 lbs. Originally I wanted to attempt to lose at least 20 - 30 lbs I wanted to be at my pre weight when I had Abby. But I don't know if that is possible. I think I want to strive to lose 6 more pounds. I'll weigh 130 pounds and that might be where I stay, but I am going to continue to work out. I am going to continue eating decently. Also I'm very excited to start doing a work out at my husbands work. He works for Farmers insurance and everyday they have some kind of group class, their gym is always available to me and my husband 24 hours a day! On mondays I'll be attending the 3-2-1 work out it is Three cardio, two circuit and onecore segment.  And they're done in this order:

Cardio I -- Start with a 5 to 10 minute warm up like a jog, so you don't pull muscles.

Circuit I -- Braganza puts legs into every exercise because that burns a lot of calories.  These groupings of exercises usually target lower body, upper body and a smaller muscle group or back.

Cardio  II -- Maybe add intervals or a hill to make things a little more intense.  If you're on a bike, this would maybe be biking sprints for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Circuit II -- This would target the same muscle groups as the first circuit sequence, but with different exercises.  It's all about keeping the heart rate up and toning.

Cardio III -- This is the hardest cardio round because you're tired and it's hard to start up again, but this is where the real changes happen.

Core -- The final exercises for strengthening abs.

Squat Thrust is one example of a total body "multi-compound" -- working abs, legs, chest, back and arms -- circuit exercise that Braganza might include with two others in a grouping:

I watched the video's on youtube and I'm pretty intimidated by it but I think it will be awesome for my body! Tuesdays will be Dance Fit, I think this is a mixture of dancing styles. Wednesday is Butts and Guts Workout (that doesn't seem easy either) and then Thursday will be Zumba, which I have always loved! As for Friday I will just run or maybe jump on the trampoline, then I will be off on saturday and sunday.

I am really looking forward to these workouts, I know that they are going to be so hard, but I have never done this kind of thing with other people. So I think I'll be more motivated to keep it up. I'll keep you posted on how my classes go. Today is Tuesday so I'll let you know tomorrow how it went!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

T: 30 min
D: 2.2 miles
C: 275

T:20 min

Total 597


Monday, November 28, 2011

kettle worx

Jumps 3600
Time 32 min
Calories 500

Sunday, November 27, 2011

time 29
distance 2.1
calories 245

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time 55 min
Distance 4 miles
Calories 476

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

138 lbs. size 8

Jumps 4837
Time 46 min
Calories 677

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 min
2 miles
236 calories

Time 16 min
Jumps 1775
Calories 248

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jumps 3585
Time 32
Calories 502

kettle bell worx

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jumps 2421
Time 21
Calories 339

Friday, November 18, 2011

Big 5!

Time 1 hour 13 min
Distance 5 MILES!!!!!
Calories 558

+fast ab burn kettle worx

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jumps 3347
Time 30
Calories 468

Kettle Worx
Core 2 week session

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jumps 4380
Time 40 min
Calories 613

Time 27.15
Distance 1.8 miles
Calories 162

Jumps 1966
Time 18 min
Calories 275

Jumps 4380
Time 40
Calories 613


11/12  First time I weighed 138 lbs
Distance 4 miles
Time 59 min
Calories 402

Time 59.08
Distance 4.04
Calories 421

Monday, November 7, 2011

jumps 5031
time 46:15
calories 704

Thursday, November 3, 2011

jumps 3482
time 31
calories 481

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jumps 4262
Time 37:32
Calories 596
Jumps 5146
Time 45:32
Calories 720

Sunday, October 30, 2011

jumps 3428
time 31 minutes
calories 479

Friday, October 28, 2011

Jumps 4003
Time 35:55 min
Calories 560

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

jumps 1836
time 16;33
calories 257

Monday, October 24, 2011

jumps 1067
time 10 min
calories 149

Friday, October 14, 2011

jumps 3425
time 31.47
calories 479

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

time 34
jumps 3841
calories 537

I feel good about my workout this morning. I weighed myself and I am 139 # . I feel like I am shrinking, and toning. My jeans are a little looser. So I am making progress. I haven't been keeping track of my calorie intake which I feel is slowing me down, but I feel good about where I am at. My goal is to lose maybe 10 to 15 lbs or at least until I fit into my clothes from last year. I broke a great sweat today. I tried to go for 40 mins but gave in.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jumps 3391
Time 30 min
Calories 474

Saturday, October 8, 2011

jumps 1552
time 14 min
calories 217

jumps 1118
time 10
calories 156

Thursday, October 6, 2011

jumps 119
time 10:20
calories 156

distance 2.03
time 30 min
calories 196

= 352 calories

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jumps 3361
Time 33 min
Calories 470

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jumps 4002
Time 36 min
calories 560

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jumps 3469
Time 33.35
Calories 485

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jumps 3334
Time 30:13
Calories 466

Time 16:47
Distance 1 mile
Calories 83

Friday, September 23, 2011

Time 30 min
Calories 457

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Jumps 2174
Time 20
Calories 304

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time 16 min
Jumps 1775
Calories 248

Monday, September 19, 2011

1016 jumps
time 10
calories 142

Friday, September 16, 2011

Distance 2 miles
calories 196
Time 30

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Distance 2 miles
Time 30 min
calories 195
4.0 - 5.0
Felt horrible. I kept getting dizzy. I think its because I may be getting sick? or maybe I didn't eat enough this morning. I know I'm exhausted. Maybe i'm pmsing? i don't know I just know that I could only run half of what I usually do. I also skipped two days of running.

Distance 1.31 miles
Time: 10 min
Calories 142

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Speed 4.5 - 6.0
Distance 2.26
Calories 251

Saturday, September 10, 2011

distance 1.66
time 25 min
calories 186

not a good run

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is it me? or is this working?

Yesterday I didn't run. I had zero motivation and I think my hormones were on blast because I was MOODY and irritable. So I just didn't run. But the whole day I felt crumby. That feeling of laziness mixed with responsibility?! (do you know what i'm talking about?) Basically you want to just sit around, eat junk food, stay in your PJ's and watch movies all day long. No doing the laundry, or cooking a meal, or even cleaning up after the meal (which my husband sweetly does for me :) This is how you want it to be, but when you are a mother of three and a wife to one, you don't get to have days like this. You have to pick up the toys, do the laundry, cook and feed your kids, pick up your child from school which requires getting out of your PJ's and actually making yourself into a live human. You still have to do your duties as a mother and wife regardless of how you feel! One thing I chose not to do was exercise and I'm wondering if my day was even worse because I didn't?! After I workout, I like to shower and that usually starts my day feeling fresh. I know that exercise is good for you, in many many ways. But can it really have this big of an impact on my mood? I think maybe yes.  This morning started off pretty rough, I felt my patience dwindling down as the kids made messes, and my daughter complaining about how her pants felt. I didn't want to exercise. I didn't want to run. But I put my two down for a nap, and I put on my running shoes. I turned on my media player and cranked up my tunes.  Afterwards I felt better, relieved. You have a sense of accomplishment, you feel good about yourself and I think when you feel good about yourself, you are more positive about the destruction going on around you. So I am gonna keep on. I'm going to keep running. Because my family deserves to have the best me!
speed 4.5-5.5
Time 30 min
Distance 2.30
Calories 270

Go me Go me Go me!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Distance: 1.93
Time: 27 min
Calories: 222
Pace: 4.5-5.5

Monday, September 5, 2011

Today felt like a great run.

Speed: between 4.0 and 5.5
Time: 30 min
Distance: 2.20 miles
Calories: 240

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Distance 2.10 miles
Time 30
Calories 238!!!! Kickin it in high gear!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Distance 1.93
Time 30 min
Calories 205

Friday, September 2, 2011

On this path

So On this path I shall continue. I know that there are all these ways to lose weight but what i'm doing (for now) is working. I thought I wasn't making any progress because I took some pictures and compared them with older ones and it didn't look like much change. My husband says he see's it, the shrinking and toning, but I must be looking at myself with crossed eyes because nothing seems different. Remember my Calvin Klein dress? It's a button up Khaki dress. I love this dress!!! I wore this dress last summer, it fit perfectly on me then!!! One Sunday I wanted to wear this dress for church and asked my husband to iron it for me. I go to put it on and I couldn't button it past my waistline. I struggled and got it button down towards the middle of my stomach but any further and I was going to lose a few buttons. Anyhow, I thought to myself today "let me try on the dress" and when I did I was able to button all the buttons. NOW, once I start going south past my hips it was a struggle, and I wouldn't say the dress fit, but it does fit BETTER. It seems that I am losing weight around my waistline first. I can tell the my tummy isn't as flabby and my sides aren't as pudgy. So progress is happening. I am getting better at running. I can run a little faster a little further each time. I've been running 2 miles every day. I can finish 2 miles in 30 minutes.  I haven't done my Kettle Bell work out and I think I'm going to pick that up again. I really saw amazing results with that. As for my calories, I have good days and bad days. Some days I eat about 1200 calories, other days I eat about 2000 (so it seems) but I'm getting that under control as well. I am working hard, trying to discipline myself to workout even when I don't feel like it. To cut back on the portions even when I want more and to drink water instead of soda.  In reality I wish I was seeing quicker results but that in itself just isn't reality . Hard work and consistency. That shall be my motto.
Distance 2.04 miles
Time 30
Calories 221

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time: 30 min
Distance: 2.02 miles
Calories: 209

Time: 8.06
Distance: .40

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time: 32 min
Distance: 2.20 miles

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Distance : 2 miles
Calories: 196
Time: 30 min

Monday, August 29, 2011

Distance : 1.90 miles
Time: 30
Calories: 190

Friday, August 26, 2011

Danced, and Danced

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Distance: 1 mile
Time 14 min
Calories 97

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Distance: 1.o6 miles
Time 17 min
Calories: 94

Distance 1 mile
Time: 16
Calories: 84

Monday, August 22, 2011

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 31.22
Calories: 191

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time: 30 min 14 sec
Distance: 2 miles
Calories: 185

i hate this.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Distance: 1.65 miles
Time: 30 min
Calories 148

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

distance: 1 mile
calories : 78
time : 17 min

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Distance: 1.25 miles
Time: 25 min
Calories: 114

Monday, August 15, 2011

Frustration : Aggravation: Hesitation : Limitations

30 min of running.
Miles : 1.66
Calories 184

I have to say that this is all depressing to me. I hate it. I hate that you have to work your ass off for 3 weeks to make 2 tiny steps, and then if you take 2 weeks off you end up 2 giant steps back. It's frustrating. It's hard. At the same time, I love vacations but I hate them. I was doing so well and then we went to WA. DC for a week. It completely threw everything off.  I want to give up. I do. I want to sit around and eat whatever I want. But  I can't do that. I can't if I want to lose weight, tone up and fit into a size 4/6.... How do people do this? How do they push themselves? How do they find the energy to get on the treadmill, to sweat it out to a workout dvd?  I want to cry. Am I pathetic? I thought exercise is suppose to release endorphin's? Instead all I feel is doubt. Doubt that I can achieve my goal. I feel defeated. Isn't this just horrible? Okay so as i am typing my left knee is pulled up on the chair that I'm sitting on, my head is down with my forehead resting upon it and my eyes are closed. Breathe, Breathe. I don't know if I will ever shrink. But today i did good. i ran. i did something. Just keep going. One day at a time. Now pick your head up and move forward. Don't think about the negatives. Don't let the doubt consume you. You're a mother of 3 and you can do anything. Just keep going. It's entirely up to me. I can do this.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Hey everybody! I can see a change :) I have to say that it's hard to see the small things when you are dieting and exercising. You expect your body to just slim down and the saddle bags just fall off and your over sized gut shrivel to a nice flat washboard, but that isn't how it works (unfortunately). I have continued to jump or rebound on the mini trampoline, and I have started the Kettle WorX dvd work out. I have to say that from the beginning of this journey I have had my ups and downs but I believe all the things I've done, the zumba, running, rebounding, yoga and the dvd's all have helped me get to this smaller place that i'm at now. Again, I don't see a huge difference, but I do notice a better change. I'm still wearing a size 8, and not fitting into my regular clothes but I am soooooo much more tone. I still have a nice,squishy gut but I now have a waist line and stronger abs. The thing that I am the happiest about right now is the cellulite that has gone from my butt and thighs. Even when I was a size 4 I had cellulite, not bad but it was there. I have never worn shorts because of it. Now, I still won't wear shorts but for a different reason LOL my thighs are too big. The other day I went to put on a Calvin Klein dress that I have always loved. It's a khaki button up with a tie waste. I wore it last summer. Well lets just say when I went to put it on this summer, I couldn't even button the buttons past my stomach or hips. So I am measuring my progress with this dress. It is a size 4. I know some of you are like "shoot I would be happy if I was an 8" well not me, I'm not built to be an 8 for me that is not normal. I have always been a 4/6 (thanks to my bootie) and I want to reach that goal. I'm going to reach that goal :) When I first started working out I was about 147lbs. then about mid of this whole journey I was 145 lbs and today I am 142 lbs. so slowly it is dropping. Slowly I am reaching my goal. But progress is still progress and I'll take that any day!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So what's next? Kettle Worx

144lbs 5'5
I know I haven't been blogging, but it's because I really haven't made much progress (however I have toned up the back of my thighs quite a bit. I have hardly any dimples!). I mean, I haven't been sitting around not doing anything. I've been jumping on the mini trampoline, running every once in a while, doing a little yoga and zumba. But over all I haven't been consistent. I've tried watching my calorie intake but even that got shrugged off when I was faced with a really great meal or just PMS will kill it for me. Another reason is that my husband who is my workout buddy, has been killing it overtime at work. I'm sorry but I just don't have the motivation to motivate myself. At last, my husband is now going to be home in the evening and so our workout to a healthier and more fit body has begun. Yesterday we bought the Kettle Worx workout. It comes with 6 dvd's and a kettlebell. I got a 5 lb (i'm a wimp) and my husband got a 15 lb bell. We did the workout tonight and  after the warm up and 1 set, plus half of the second set we were done. I started cramping in my inner thighs, my outer thighs, the back of my thighs, my butt cheeks and my calves. I've never did a workout like this. Saying all that I have faith that this is going to work. (as long as we are consistent) 6 weeks. That's how long it takes. But I believe that we'll start seeing results after a week. I have taken pictures and weighed myself.  As of right now I weigh 144 lbs. My goal wait is to lose at least 20 lbs. That will put me back at my pre-pregnancy  weight. So we shall see, and I'll be sure to keep you posted weekly.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Here's the Skinny :)

Hi folks, well I have to say that I'm still running and you know it DOES get better? I think for me I want to see immediate results. I want to see a change in my body. Whether it is in how I feel or how I look. I want to feel pain in my legs and buttocks!! I think that's why I enjoy sweating when I workout. It's evidence to me that something is happening, I'm working hard. So let me give you the low down on what's taking place. I've started counting my calories. One day I thought, I should just see how many calories I eat in a day. I was eating over 2000 calories a day EASY! I love snacking, I love precooked microwavable foods and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Totino's little pizza's. (yes I eat the whole thing by myself) Well no wonder why I was getting fat! I was still eating as if I was 21 and if you didn't know this about me, I am NOT 21. Then I started thinking about how skinny I would get when I was nursing my kids. You burn 500 calories in one day from nursing. So I decided that in addition to running I needed to cut down my calories. (you thought I was going to say that I'm gonna start nursing my kids again huh? LOL) NO, I'm trying to stay at 1400 calories a day. Can I just say that this is not an easy thing to do? Especially if you have a sweet tooth. Anyhow, 1. Running 2. Counting Calories 3. Jump roping. Yes, I have added this to my workout. There are times in the day when I can't get out because there is no one to watch the kids. I pull out my jump rope and jump for 10 min. This is equivalent to running a mile in 8 min. (As I'm jumping I always wonder how I did this for so long when I was little? ) If I start to get too tired and my feet trip up, I put the rope down but continue to jump. Sometimes I switch it up by jumping into a squat and then jump jump jump and into a squat again. I'm determined to change my body. I'm not happy with it. So many people say that we need to just accept our body the way it is and I agree. Love how you look, BUT you should strive to be healthy and no healthy doesn't always mean skinny. I took before pictures and when I reach my goal I will post the after pictures :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Once again

Ok, did I mention before that exercise is not my thing? :sigh: Well if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging about my progress it is because there hasn't been any. I fell of the band wagon. BUT I am getting back on :applause please:! Yes, and I am facing  one of my biggest fears. Running. You may wonder why this is such a fear of mine. All I can say is that it is hard, I am afraid of hard work. Sweat. Pain. Running consists of all that stuff. My husband is the one that encouraged me to start. He said "we can zumba for 45 min or run for 10 min" So even though I despise running, I chose to do it rather than the other. But believe me when I say I was NOT happy about doing it. For one, it was cold out and it was night time and welll... and I just did not want to do it.  Let me describe to you how this went down. We go outside and dearest Hubby of mine says lets stretch. We do a few stretches (ones that I haven't done since playing basketball in High School) and then we walked to the end of our driveway and started running. After 60 seconds my lungs started to hurt, or maybe I should say freeze. It was cold outside and it hurt every time I inhaled. My ears started to ache, my nose started to run and I wanted to stop. But we were only a few yards from where we started and well I just have too much pride to give in so I kept running. My husband decides to try and help me out by singing an army marching song. You know "Left, left, left, right left" and then some silly rhyme that goes along with it. He says it helps keep your feet in rhythm which helps you keep going. All it did for me was get on my nerves because I wanted to laugh but I was hating him so much for encouraging me to run. So we run, and get to the end of the road area and turn around. I wanted to stop and start walking. My legs hurt, my hips hurt and oh my goodness my lungs were going to collapse. (Do you feel sorry for me yet or just think i'm pathetic? I know. Pathetic) Anyhow. I don't stop. Again my Pride wouldn't let me give in. My husband kept encouraging me "you're doing great, keep it up" and each time I wanted to just say "shut up you liar, I'm dying here."  We're on our final stretch, he wants us to sprint the last bit to the mailbox, so I try until I realize that the first set of mailboxes were our neighbors and not ours, and I slowed just a bit until we got to ours. (which was literally a couple of feet but felt like yards). I made it. It didn't kill me, not that second at least.  We walk it off a bit and then I went inside the house. It was so hot that I started stripping my clothes off. I had my hoodie tied so as I began pulling my sweater off it got stuck around my head and I was in a serious wrestling match. Finally I won and threw that thing on the ground. My ears drums started hurt so bad. My lungs were just burning. I felt like I was going to throw up. How is it that I can Dance Dance Dance in 5.5 inch heels and not feel this same way? I just don't get it. Anyhow, I survived. I hated it but I survived and guess what? I did it again the next night. It was warmer out and my husband had his music playing on his phone instead of him singing his marching song. It was a bit easier but I still felt shaky and sick afterwards, but the third time I ran wasn't as bad. I had my Mp3 Player blasting in my ears, it was warm out, my lungs didn't ache and I didn't feel sick. I still don't enjoy running. But I do have a goal in mind and I really want to reach that goal. And who knows, maybe one day even after I reach my goal, I'll keep running and I'll do it because I LIKE it :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wow, So it's been a while right?

OK. Confession Time. "I Esther Delgado have not worked out for 2.5 weeks. I have not been drinking my water like I am suppose to and I have not been making healthy choices when it comes to eating." HOWEVER I have been watching my portion size servings. :) The reason for this great failure is that I have been packing and moving into a home and now am unpacking, building furniture and settling into our home :) We have been so busy. We haven't hooked up our Kinect and that really is my only source of exercise *zumba*.  But thankfully I haven't really gained any weight back and I DO plan on starting up again. I also am thinking about getting an exercise bike or treadmill. I fear the treadmill. I don't love running at all. So I would hate to buy something and then never use it. I know I'll use the bike because we had one, even that took me a while to face. Why am I so afraid of these things? Is it because in my mind it is something that really really works out your body and I'm just to lazy to work that hard? I don't know. Doing Zumba is no easy workout. What would happen if I made it a habit of running, will it really make a difference? Am I making it to be scarier than it really is? I guess I won't know until I actually try it huh? When I do, I promise you'll be the first to know!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1 month

One month ago I began exercising and dieting. My goal was to lose one pant size. However I don't think I quite reached that goal. I am a skinny size eight and a chubby 6 as I have heard stated before LOL I would love to be a comfortable 4. But just because I didn't make it into my favorite pair of jeans doesn't mean progress wasn't made. When I started off I took my measurements. Here they are:
Waist -28                         Now:   28
Belly - 36                                     34
Butt - 41                                       40
Thighs-39                                     39
So although it isn't a drastic change, there is still change. I really feel like I can still improve my eating habits and I want to do some different types of exercising. Yoga, biking and possibly running (that's my last resort :) along with my zumba workout. On the flip side I can't tell you how encouraging it is to have my husband workout with me. I laugh watching him do the zumba moves, but we keep each other going. I also have a harder time seeing a change, then I would get discouraged and he would constantly tell me how he can see the difference.
A support system is vital because there will be days when you want to quite or slack off (which leads to quiting). I also think it is important to have realistic expectations. I will always have wider hips and a bubble butt. (not a bad thing) I will never have toothpick thighs and I may always have a "baby pouch" and that's okay. I can have  toner thighs and butt, firmer abs and no muffin top :) I can reach a size 4 but more importantly be tone and healthy ! That is my goal.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A vicious "cycle"

I am convinced that dieting and exercising may be more difficult for a woman. Here is my reason: I have been exercising for two weeks now. I have been drinking 3-4 bottles of water almost everyday. I have cut my portion size nearly in half and increased the quality of food I eat. It is now the beginning of week 3 and I noticed that I am so much more tired than I usual. My food cravings (junk food) has gotten stronger and my stomach feels bloated even if I suck it in! Can any of you ladies out there relate? Even further, can you diagnose the problem? Anyone? Anyone? Yes Lady in the back of the room stuffing chocolate cake in her mouth? (She answers) "P.M.S"!!!! Bingo, you got it. Hormones are out of whack and therefore your body is out of whack. I find my motivation to exercise non-existent. The strength to resist junk food at low capacity. All I want to do is crawl under my blankets, grab a bag of chips smothered in Nacho cheese and turn on the TV. Do men go through these changes? Do they hit these walls? And am I going to feel like this month after month or does it ever get better inspite of the hormonal change cursed on us because of Eve?
I don't have that answer yet and neither does the lady in the back scarfing down chocolate cake. What I do know is that my body has been in control of me for way too long. I give into its desire for Jet's pizza and bread sticks way to easily. The fatigue makes me want to do what it says and just sleep or do nothing. So I have to fight back. I can't give in. I can't say "I'll just work out double time tomorrow" because we all know that that's not going to happen. I may not have my heart in it but if I keep pressing on then this to shall pass :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One week. Any difference?

The hardest thing about working out is not seeing immediate results. You see it immediately when you gain it, but not when you are working hard to lose it. I think this is why so many people quit. It is discouraging when you are working so hard at something and you see nothing. But isn't that just an illusion? I mean, I have worked out for one week. I have curbed my eating diet, and I have cut my soda to about 1 a day. I have also increased my water in take dramatically. To be honest I don't see much of a change. I'll reach for a pair of jeans and it still takes me 4 hops and a squat to squeeze into them. (girls you know exactly what I'm referring to!) HOWEVER!!! I honestly feel a difference. I know the water is flushing out my system, the exercising is making my muscles ache (or should I say "my fat ache" because there isn't much muscle just yet). And mentally, I think about exercising, I think about what I am eating and I feel icky when I eat something that isn't so healthy. My body likes what I am doing. My mind likes what I am doing. My eye's on the other hand  does not like what it sees. I often think, " I wish I could just get all the extra stuff cut off and  have my old body back and then I would REALLY take care of it." But then I wake up and face reality. It's going to take work. Easy is not always the best. I'm doing things the healthier way. (don't get me wrong, I always pray and ask God for a little Divine intervention as well) LOL I think when I reach my goal, I will be so happy to feel and SEE  what I have accomplished through hard work. It's going to be worth it. I have faith that this stuff works :)
NOW I am going to post my measurements :
Waist 28 inches
Belly 36 inches
Butt 41 inches
thighs 39 inches (that's the total circumference of both legs together, not individually ;)
I'll measure again in about a month.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What the Heck was that?

I was suppose to wake up early to work out this morning. Well my husband and I were going to but my daughter kept waking up throughout the night. (she has an ear infection) So sadly, it didn't happen. We took her to the Dr.s and then after that we came home and we "planned" to work out real quick before Miguel had to go to work, but we ordered pizza instead. Not just any pizza, but Jet's pizza. Deep dish, Garlic buttered crust, covered in cheese and pepperoni. We also got  side of cheesy bread sticks. I ate one piece of pizza and two pieces of oh so delicious bread sticks. Half way through I started wondering about how many calories I was eating and how much harder will I have to work out to burn it off? What was wrong with me???? I've been exercising, isn't that good enough? NOPE. Now my conscious is nagging me. I have never in my life felt guilt for eating greasy, and fatty foods. Maybe it's because I've never weighed this much before. Maybe it's because I'm dead serious about wanting to get skinny. Or maybe it's really being scared to death of working out and not seeing any results because I love pizza way too much! (okay, breathe Esther. Soon the spinning will stop) All I know is that this is all new for me. I never had to diet before. I never had to care about what food I ate. but those days are long gone. I need to forget about those days and do something about today.  I need to keep pushing forward. Okay.... the spinning has slowed down. OH one more thing! After eating that yummy pizza, I ate a Krispy Kreme glazed donut.... :sigh: Dear God Help Me!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011 *day 4

This is the first week of discipline and exercise.  Day 1 was pretty hard. I did 30 minutes of cardio. It's a dvd that has 30 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of targeted sections (upper, lower, abs, etc...) Do you want to know what dvd it is? Carmen Electra's strip tease disc 2. It's the aerobics one. I know there are more difficult dvd's out there but I feel like this one is set at my pace yet it is still very challenging. Right now, I can only get through the cardio. The other thing I am doing is Zumba on the Kinect. I know some of you are laughing right now and think "no wonder why she can't lose weight." but seriously the Zumba one kicks my butt and it is so much fun. I love to dance, so this is perfect for me. I struggle with regular work out dvd's because they become boring to me.  So these are the two that I am doing. I think I'm going to look for a good Yoga dvd as well. (the wii was awesome for yoga!)
The other area I need to work on is my diet. I'm not a calorie counter. (too lazy) But I am paying attention to what I eat and how much I eat.
Here is my plan. Every morning I eat a turkey sausage with a slice of cheese on a bagel.(I should probably do it on wheat.) For lunch I will eat something a little heavier. ( I love burgers, chicken salad, pizza, subs, whatever) and then for dinner something light. Maybe a veggie salad. I dunno. Just light.
I also want to cut out sugar. That means, cookie's, lemon pound cake,cheesecake, chocolate,brownies, candy....:sigh: all the things that make me happy. I'll have 1 cup of coffee a day and 1 diet soda a day.  My goal is to increase my water intake. I think if I cut out soda and water from my diet and drink mostly water it will make a big difference.  I am also hoping that my increase in water will help get rid of slight hunger pains from being border line dehydrated.
So good stuff. All of this may seem wrong and a waste of time, but for me it is better. I know it's healthier.

Here I am on day 4. and I have to say that I am actually enjoying working out. Today I did 20 minutes of Zumba and then 10 minutes of dancing. I already feel a little better. I'm excited about working out. I'm excited about making a change :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Crash Diet...

There is a reason why the word "DIE" is in the word Diet. It's hard. It takes discipline. It takes strength and it takes consistency. First let me tell you about my oh soooooo rockin' body. (cough cough ) I am 5'5 and I weigh 140 lbs. ! (please if you weigh more than this , please do not cast any stones) As of right now I fit into a size 10 in Misses. My problem area's are my stomach, thighs and butt. I will even say that my upper arms are getting thicker as well. It seems as if all my fat falls straight past my boobs and sinks to my lower half. Now, I know that I am not fat. I know I'm not overly over weight. BUT I am still over weight. I have always been a size 4/6 and then I had 3 kids. With each child I kept about 10lbs. So here I am 30 lbs. later. and it's just getting worse. You see, I don't eat healthy foods. I don't drink water. (except what I make my coffee with) and I don't exercise. I DO eat lots of easy microwavable foods, I drink plenty of coffee and soda's, and I have also picked up a sweet tooth along the way. (I blame my kids for that too :) I'm a mess. I feel like a mess. I just don't feel healthy. I look in the mirror and I'm not happy with how my body looks. It frustrates me that I have to keep buying new jeans in a bigger size.(and I LOVE shopping)  Here is the thing, when will it stop? I know that it won't stop on it's own. I can't keep living this way, it's unhealthy. But most of all, I want to teach my children the importance of living healthy and being healthy.  That brings me back to the beginning. "Hi, my name is Esther and i'm a Junk Food Junky." (I think I just lost a few just by admitting to that ) I want to use this blog to keep track of what I am doing, what I am eating and my ups and downs throughout this life changing expidition. Maybe you'll want to join me. We can suffer together and rejoice together. God knows that I'll be shedding some tears, and hopefully a few pounds along the way!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I wish I could have a calendar to post to the side of my blog that I could just update with what exercises I did for that day.
On 12/25 I jumped for 20 min. About 300 calories burned
I don't remember what I did on Monday or Tuesday. But Wednesday I  Ran 2 miles, in 25 min burned 249 calories and then did 1123 Jumps for 10 min and burned 157 Calories. Total of 406 calories Burned. Not to shabby!
Today 12/29
2.38 miles
29 minutes
Burned 286 Calories.
I probably would have done more but the kids where awake, and I need to start preparing for dinner.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Distance 5k
Time 38 min with a 5 min cool down : 43 min total
Calories 400

I almost beat miguel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Class Canceled.

Well I wanted to do my Dance fit class but it was cancelled. I guess there wasn't enough people signed up. So I decided to do Yoga and I arrived to find out that it was cancelled as well :( NO BUENO. Even though I am incredibly sore I still wanted to work out. I figured since I was there and with no husband or kids to interrupt I would take advantage of the sweet facilities that my husband's work has available. I walked into the cardio room and there are 3 people. 2 guys, one on the elliptical, one running on the treadmill and a old lady on an elliptical.(in a hideous Christmas sweater vest I might add). I get on a treadmill and I'm trying to figure this thing out. I mean the one I run on at home is extremely simple. But these were big with so many buttons : 5k, fat burner or fitness test buttons. You have the choice of Manual, rolling hills or incline. and there was a heart rate button but I couldn't figure it out. I had to start my treadmill over like 3 times because it must have been on a presetting. I would set my speed at 5.0 and after 2 min it would start to drop. Once I finally figured it out, I was able to run for 30 minutes. I did 2.3 miles and burned 250 calories. I could have ran further but the cramp I was getting in my right butt cheek was hindering me from further progress. hahahah. It felt good to run and stretch out my hurting muscles. I'm glad I didn't just walk away and NOT do anything for the day. Afterwards I went to Toys R Us to do some shopping for Christmas so I got a good cool down too :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

3-2-1 Workout

As I sit here in pain, I can barely keep my hands propped up on the key board to type. I, for the first time, realize that I am a wimp! Yes, I always thought of myself as tough, but tonight at my 3-2-1 workout class I was proven wrong. So utterly wrong. Now for those of you that don't know this workout is, I suggest you look it up. However I have to say it looks so much easier than it actually is, but then again what do I know because I am just a big wimp. I walk into the cardio room and I'm like 5 minutes late, I grab a step thingy and a couple of 5 lb weights, oh and a foam mat. I set up my area and start doing side steps with these weights. Pretty good, I'm movin' then we switch to resistant bands and we have them around our feet and we have to side step, after that we go back to weights, then we do uneven push ups,we do crunches, jackknifes, jumping jacks, more things with weights, skate lunges or something, uneven squats with weights, a lot of different things with weights, dead lift something or something. NO BREAK but yes, I did squeeze in my own breaks. But then as my legs are quivering and my arms are about to give, I start getting light headed. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so funny? Am I breathing wrong? Oh wait I keep forgetting to breathe, maybe I'm dehydrated? Whoooaaaa. Okay I need to step out real quick, so I let the instructor know and I step outside and sit down. I don't know if I just didn't eat enough prior to working out (which I only had a handful of chex mix) but I was dizzy. I gathered myself and wondered how in the world was I going to make it??? I just didn't know. But I went inside, and followed in step with the other girls and my instructor. I kept laughing at myself because I felt so stupid for being so weak. I mean I was really struggling with my weights. I have no upper body strength. After a hour we were done. We did some stretches and even those were draining me. After I left I thought about what I learned.
1. I now understand why some people would rather work out in their home instead of a group setting. I felt "shameful" that I couldn't keep up with the lady that was older than me, or the girl that was bigger than me. Should I feel this way? NO. Absolutely not. But I did. In the moment, I did. I have a new respect for people that are able to put themselves out there to do things they may fear failing, or being judged or laughed at. Working out is no easy task, and if you are just beginning like I am it is just a matter of enduring the beginning to reach the end result.
2. Eat at least 1 hour before working out this hard. And I don't me carb overload like Michael Scott did before his big race on the Office (bbbbbaaaad idea) But I need something with protein and carbs, so maybe toast with peanut butter or a granola bar.
3.Wear comfortable underwear. I think I might even need to invest in some granny panties. There is nothing more annoying than having to pull out a wedgie in between each lunge or squat.
4.I need to focus on my breathing while working out.
5. Keep going. Don't give up. If you have to rest, fine. But finish.
These are just some things I learned today from my first class. I want to go again next week, hopefully each time will get a little bit easier as I get a little stronger.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time 39 min
Distance 3 miles
Calories 346

Friday, December 16, 2011

Did I mention that I've lost even more weight??? I am now at 134 lbs. okay like 134.5 lbs! But my numbers are dropping and that is always exciting. The above pictures are the items of clothing that I use to be able to fit into. The dress is a size 4 Calvin Klein, and I use to wear this dress flawlessly. One Sunday I pulled out this dress to wear for church, my husband ironed it for me and everything. I went to put the dress on and I could only button the top three buttons. That's when reality set in and I realized that I needed to do something about my weight. I had no idea that I gained that much weight. As you can see, I can now button the dress all the way down, but in my midsection there is some tugging. In my other picture I am wearing a pair of BKE Jeans, size 28 low cut .  Last summer I couldn't hardly squeeze these suckers past my thighs. Now I can pull them on and button them. However they give me a pretty bad muffin top (I think because they're a low cut) and they're very snug on my rumpshaker. LOL  For both of these items I think if I lost 5 more lbs (which is my goal weight for now) I will fit in them perfectly. I just need to keep toning and shrinking. How am I gonna do that?
Well last week I attended a Butts and Guts workout group. It was intense. I don't think I had enough water in my system because I felt like I was getting a little bit dizzy. Maybe it was the florescent lighting in the room? I don't know. What I do know is that the next day I could barely sit on my butt because it was sooooo incredibly sore. I even asked my husband to massage my butt ahhahaa. I was sore for about 3 days in so many places. I loved it. I did. I finished and didn't give in, I didn't quite or whine (until I was sore the next day) and I plan on going back again. This week I was suppose to go to more fitness classes but on Friday I got my wisdom teeth pulled and they wouldn't let me exercise for 7 days. Today is day 8 so I plan on running a few miles.
This experience is all new for me. I feel the change in my thinking and in my living. I watch what I eat, how much I eat. I drink plenty of water now and I like exercising. I mean don't get me wrong I have days when I just don't want to do it, but overall I want to, and I need to.  There is such a feeling of accomplishment and then when you start seeing the change it pushes you even more and it makes it so worth it!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

1 Corinthians 9

So I came across this verse in my Bible the other day and I loved the analogy that was used! My husband came home yesterday and said "Hey did you know you're an athlete"? I guess I never really considered it, I mean I haven't played sports since High School. But he said that when he was signing me up for group fitness classes they asked if I was an athlete, he asked "how do you know" and they said if you workout 4 times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes a day you are considered an athlete.  Hey that's me! How cool ! Then I read this verse, I really like verse 27 "I discipline my body like an ATHLETE, training it to do what it should" That verse in itself gave me so much satisfaction knowing that I am doing what I should for my body. That refers me to verse 24 "run to win"! I don't want to eat the way i'm eating and workout the way I am just  for a season in my life. I feel like if I did that then I wouldn't be finishing the race and I want to not just finish but win! I want to win a healthy life, a strong body, good habits to teach and pass down to my kids, I want to look attractive for myself and for my husband. I want to live long enough to see and love on my grandchildren. All that to come to verse 25. "All athletes are disciplined"  This is key. It is what makes you continue on and not quit. We are disciplined in so many areas of our life but so many  times we fail at caring for our health. We neglect ourselves, we make excuses and never follow through. 
It is hard, it does take discipline and dedication (not to mention time), it takes planning, it takes strength but it is so worth it. Since I started exercising I have felt so much better about myself. I have more confidence, I feel better and I just have a sense of accomplishment. I still get sad when I start thinking about how much weight I've gained since last year, but at the same time my body now is stronger. I don't think last year I would have been able to run 5 miles. I may have weighed less but I am now more tone. And that feels good.  So take the time for yourself. If not for yourself then for your family. If I can do it, I KNOW anyone cane.! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

136 Pounds

I'm really excited to see progress. I've been running, jumping, and doing some kettle worx dvd's for my core. I have been watching my calories and I have been drinking plenty of water. I have nearly cut soda out entirely. For the longest time it seemed like I was just stuck at 139# and I was getting very frustrated. I felt like I was burning calories but not loosing the numbers on the scale. But the strange thing was that I felt like my body was getting tighter. More fit. Once I started mixing up my routine I started to drop some pounds. That gets me excited! So now i'm 136 lbs. My jeans that are a size 10 no longer fit, my size 8's are more comfy on me. When I first started this diet thing I was at 140 lbs. Actually I think I was more 142 lbs. But I feel like I have lost so much more than just 4 lbs. Originally I wanted to attempt to lose at least 20 - 30 lbs I wanted to be at my pre weight when I had Abby. But I don't know if that is possible. I think I want to strive to lose 6 more pounds. I'll weigh 130 pounds and that might be where I stay, but I am going to continue to work out. I am going to continue eating decently. Also I'm very excited to start doing a work out at my husbands work. He works for Farmers insurance and everyday they have some kind of group class, their gym is always available to me and my husband 24 hours a day! On mondays I'll be attending the 3-2-1 work out it is Three cardio, two circuit and onecore segment.  And they're done in this order:

Cardio I -- Start with a 5 to 10 minute warm up like a jog, so you don't pull muscles.

Circuit I -- Braganza puts legs into every exercise because that burns a lot of calories.  These groupings of exercises usually target lower body, upper body and a smaller muscle group or back.

Cardio  II -- Maybe add intervals or a hill to make things a little more intense.  If you're on a bike, this would maybe be biking sprints for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Circuit II -- This would target the same muscle groups as the first circuit sequence, but with different exercises.  It's all about keeping the heart rate up and toning.

Cardio III -- This is the hardest cardio round because you're tired and it's hard to start up again, but this is where the real changes happen.

Core -- The final exercises for strengthening abs.

Squat Thrust is one example of a total body "multi-compound" -- working abs, legs, chest, back and arms -- circuit exercise that Braganza might include with two others in a grouping:

I watched the video's on youtube and I'm pretty intimidated by it but I think it will be awesome for my body! Tuesdays will be Dance Fit, I think this is a mixture of dancing styles. Wednesday is Butts and Guts Workout (that doesn't seem easy either) and then Thursday will be Zumba, which I have always loved! As for Friday I will just run or maybe jump on the trampoline, then I will be off on saturday and sunday.

I am really looking forward to these workouts, I know that they are going to be so hard, but I have never done this kind of thing with other people. So I think I'll be more motivated to keep it up. I'll keep you posted on how my classes go. Today is Tuesday so I'll let you know tomorrow how it went!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

T: 30 min
D: 2.2 miles
C: 275

T:20 min

Total 597


Monday, November 28, 2011

kettle worx

Jumps 3600
Time 32 min
Calories 500

Sunday, November 27, 2011

time 29
distance 2.1
calories 245

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time 55 min
Distance 4 miles
Calories 476

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

138 lbs. size 8

Jumps 4837
Time 46 min
Calories 677

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 min
2 miles
236 calories

Time 16 min
Jumps 1775
Calories 248

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jumps 3585
Time 32
Calories 502

kettle bell worx

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jumps 2421
Time 21
Calories 339

Friday, November 18, 2011

Big 5!

Time 1 hour 13 min
Distance 5 MILES!!!!!
Calories 558

+fast ab burn kettle worx

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jumps 3347
Time 30
Calories 468

Kettle Worx
Core 2 week session

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jumps 4380
Time 40 min
Calories 613

Time 27.15
Distance 1.8 miles
Calories 162

Jumps 1966
Time 18 min
Calories 275

Jumps 4380
Time 40
Calories 613


11/12  First time I weighed 138 lbs
Distance 4 miles
Time 59 min
Calories 402

Time 59.08
Distance 4.04
Calories 421

Monday, November 7, 2011

jumps 5031
time 46:15
calories 704

Thursday, November 3, 2011

jumps 3482
time 31
calories 481

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jumps 4262
Time 37:32
Calories 596
Jumps 5146
Time 45:32
Calories 720

Sunday, October 30, 2011

jumps 3428
time 31 minutes
calories 479

Friday, October 28, 2011

Jumps 4003
Time 35:55 min
Calories 560

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

jumps 1836
time 16;33
calories 257

Monday, October 24, 2011

jumps 1067
time 10 min
calories 149

Friday, October 14, 2011

jumps 3425
time 31.47
calories 479

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

time 34
jumps 3841
calories 537

I feel good about my workout this morning. I weighed myself and I am 139 # . I feel like I am shrinking, and toning. My jeans are a little looser. So I am making progress. I haven't been keeping track of my calorie intake which I feel is slowing me down, but I feel good about where I am at. My goal is to lose maybe 10 to 15 lbs or at least until I fit into my clothes from last year. I broke a great sweat today. I tried to go for 40 mins but gave in.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jumps 3391
Time 30 min
Calories 474

Saturday, October 8, 2011

jumps 1552
time 14 min
calories 217

jumps 1118
time 10
calories 156

Thursday, October 6, 2011

jumps 119
time 10:20
calories 156

distance 2.03
time 30 min
calories 196

= 352 calories

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jumps 3361
Time 33 min
Calories 470

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jumps 4002
Time 36 min
calories 560

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jumps 3469
Time 33.35
Calories 485

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jumps 3334
Time 30:13
Calories 466

Time 16:47
Distance 1 mile
Calories 83

Friday, September 23, 2011

Time 30 min
Calories 457

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Jumps 2174
Time 20
Calories 304

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time 16 min
Jumps 1775
Calories 248

Monday, September 19, 2011

1016 jumps
time 10
calories 142

Friday, September 16, 2011

Distance 2 miles
calories 196
Time 30

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Distance 2 miles
Time 30 min
calories 195
4.0 - 5.0
Felt horrible. I kept getting dizzy. I think its because I may be getting sick? or maybe I didn't eat enough this morning. I know I'm exhausted. Maybe i'm pmsing? i don't know I just know that I could only run half of what I usually do. I also skipped two days of running.

Distance 1.31 miles
Time: 10 min
Calories 142

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Speed 4.5 - 6.0
Distance 2.26
Calories 251

Saturday, September 10, 2011

distance 1.66
time 25 min
calories 186

not a good run

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Is it me? or is this working?

Yesterday I didn't run. I had zero motivation and I think my hormones were on blast because I was MOODY and irritable. So I just didn't run. But the whole day I felt crumby. That feeling of laziness mixed with responsibility?! (do you know what i'm talking about?) Basically you want to just sit around, eat junk food, stay in your PJ's and watch movies all day long. No doing the laundry, or cooking a meal, or even cleaning up after the meal (which my husband sweetly does for me :) This is how you want it to be, but when you are a mother of three and a wife to one, you don't get to have days like this. You have to pick up the toys, do the laundry, cook and feed your kids, pick up your child from school which requires getting out of your PJ's and actually making yourself into a live human. You still have to do your duties as a mother and wife regardless of how you feel! One thing I chose not to do was exercise and I'm wondering if my day was even worse because I didn't?! After I workout, I like to shower and that usually starts my day feeling fresh. I know that exercise is good for you, in many many ways. But can it really have this big of an impact on my mood? I think maybe yes.  This morning started off pretty rough, I felt my patience dwindling down as the kids made messes, and my daughter complaining about how her pants felt. I didn't want to exercise. I didn't want to run. But I put my two down for a nap, and I put on my running shoes. I turned on my media player and cranked up my tunes.  Afterwards I felt better, relieved. You have a sense of accomplishment, you feel good about yourself and I think when you feel good about yourself, you are more positive about the destruction going on around you. So I am gonna keep on. I'm going to keep running. Because my family deserves to have the best me!
speed 4.5-5.5
Time 30 min
Distance 2.30
Calories 270

Go me Go me Go me!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Distance: 1.93
Time: 27 min
Calories: 222
Pace: 4.5-5.5

Monday, September 5, 2011

Today felt like a great run.

Speed: between 4.0 and 5.5
Time: 30 min
Distance: 2.20 miles
Calories: 240

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Distance 2.10 miles
Time 30
Calories 238!!!! Kickin it in high gear!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Distance 1.93
Time 30 min
Calories 205

Friday, September 2, 2011

On this path

So On this path I shall continue. I know that there are all these ways to lose weight but what i'm doing (for now) is working. I thought I wasn't making any progress because I took some pictures and compared them with older ones and it didn't look like much change. My husband says he see's it, the shrinking and toning, but I must be looking at myself with crossed eyes because nothing seems different. Remember my Calvin Klein dress? It's a button up Khaki dress. I love this dress!!! I wore this dress last summer, it fit perfectly on me then!!! One Sunday I wanted to wear this dress for church and asked my husband to iron it for me. I go to put it on and I couldn't button it past my waistline. I struggled and got it button down towards the middle of my stomach but any further and I was going to lose a few buttons. Anyhow, I thought to myself today "let me try on the dress" and when I did I was able to button all the buttons. NOW, once I start going south past my hips it was a struggle, and I wouldn't say the dress fit, but it does fit BETTER. It seems that I am losing weight around my waistline first. I can tell the my tummy isn't as flabby and my sides aren't as pudgy. So progress is happening. I am getting better at running. I can run a little faster a little further each time. I've been running 2 miles every day. I can finish 2 miles in 30 minutes.  I haven't done my Kettle Bell work out and I think I'm going to pick that up again. I really saw amazing results with that. As for my calories, I have good days and bad days. Some days I eat about 1200 calories, other days I eat about 2000 (so it seems) but I'm getting that under control as well. I am working hard, trying to discipline myself to workout even when I don't feel like it. To cut back on the portions even when I want more and to drink water instead of soda.  In reality I wish I was seeing quicker results but that in itself just isn't reality . Hard work and consistency. That shall be my motto.
Distance 2.04 miles
Time 30
Calories 221

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time: 30 min
Distance: 2.02 miles
Calories: 209

Time: 8.06
Distance: .40

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time: 32 min
Distance: 2.20 miles

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Distance : 2 miles
Calories: 196
Time: 30 min

Monday, August 29, 2011

Distance : 1.90 miles
Time: 30
Calories: 190

Friday, August 26, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Distance: 1 mile
Time 14 min
Calories 97

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Distance: 1.o6 miles
Time 17 min
Calories: 94

Distance 1 mile
Time: 16
Calories: 84

Monday, August 22, 2011

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 31.22
Calories: 191

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time: 30 min 14 sec
Distance: 2 miles
Calories: 185

i hate this.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Distance: 1.65 miles
Time: 30 min
Calories 148

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

distance: 1 mile
calories : 78
time : 17 min

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Distance: 1.25 miles
Time: 25 min
Calories: 114

Monday, August 15, 2011

Frustration : Aggravation: Hesitation : Limitations

30 min of running.
Miles : 1.66
Calories 184

I have to say that this is all depressing to me. I hate it. I hate that you have to work your ass off for 3 weeks to make 2 tiny steps, and then if you take 2 weeks off you end up 2 giant steps back. It's frustrating. It's hard. At the same time, I love vacations but I hate them. I was doing so well and then we went to WA. DC for a week. It completely threw everything off.  I want to give up. I do. I want to sit around and eat whatever I want. But  I can't do that. I can't if I want to lose weight, tone up and fit into a size 4/6.... How do people do this? How do they push themselves? How do they find the energy to get on the treadmill, to sweat it out to a workout dvd?  I want to cry. Am I pathetic? I thought exercise is suppose to release endorphin's? Instead all I feel is doubt. Doubt that I can achieve my goal. I feel defeated. Isn't this just horrible? Okay so as i am typing my left knee is pulled up on the chair that I'm sitting on, my head is down with my forehead resting upon it and my eyes are closed. Breathe, Breathe. I don't know if I will ever shrink. But today i did good. i ran. i did something. Just keep going. One day at a time. Now pick your head up and move forward. Don't think about the negatives. Don't let the doubt consume you. You're a mother of 3 and you can do anything. Just keep going. It's entirely up to me. I can do this.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Hey everybody! I can see a change :) I have to say that it's hard to see the small things when you are dieting and exercising. You expect your body to just slim down and the saddle bags just fall off and your over sized gut shrivel to a nice flat washboard, but that isn't how it works (unfortunately). I have continued to jump or rebound on the mini trampoline, and I have started the Kettle WorX dvd work out. I have to say that from the beginning of this journey I have had my ups and downs but I believe all the things I've done, the zumba, running, rebounding, yoga and the dvd's all have helped me get to this smaller place that i'm at now. Again, I don't see a huge difference, but I do notice a better change. I'm still wearing a size 8, and not fitting into my regular clothes but I am soooooo much more tone. I still have a nice,squishy gut but I now have a waist line and stronger abs. The thing that I am the happiest about right now is the cellulite that has gone from my butt and thighs. Even when I was a size 4 I had cellulite, not bad but it was there. I have never worn shorts because of it. Now, I still won't wear shorts but for a different reason LOL my thighs are too big. The other day I went to put on a Calvin Klein dress that I have always loved. It's a khaki button up with a tie waste. I wore it last summer. Well lets just say when I went to put it on this summer, I couldn't even button the buttons past my stomach or hips. So I am measuring my progress with this dress. It is a size 4. I know some of you are like "shoot I would be happy if I was an 8" well not me, I'm not built to be an 8 for me that is not normal. I have always been a 4/6 (thanks to my bootie) and I want to reach that goal. I'm going to reach that goal :) When I first started working out I was about 147lbs. then about mid of this whole journey I was 145 lbs and today I am 142 lbs. so slowly it is dropping. Slowly I am reaching my goal. But progress is still progress and I'll take that any day!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So what's next? Kettle Worx

144lbs 5'5
I know I haven't been blogging, but it's because I really haven't made much progress (however I have toned up the back of my thighs quite a bit. I have hardly any dimples!). I mean, I haven't been sitting around not doing anything. I've been jumping on the mini trampoline, running every once in a while, doing a little yoga and zumba. But over all I haven't been consistent. I've tried watching my calorie intake but even that got shrugged off when I was faced with a really great meal or just PMS will kill it for me. Another reason is that my husband who is my workout buddy, has been killing it overtime at work. I'm sorry but I just don't have the motivation to motivate myself. At last, my husband is now going to be home in the evening and so our workout to a healthier and more fit body has begun. Yesterday we bought the Kettle Worx workout. It comes with 6 dvd's and a kettlebell. I got a 5 lb (i'm a wimp) and my husband got a 15 lb bell. We did the workout tonight and  after the warm up and 1 set, plus half of the second set we were done. I started cramping in my inner thighs, my outer thighs, the back of my thighs, my butt cheeks and my calves. I've never did a workout like this. Saying all that I have faith that this is going to work. (as long as we are consistent) 6 weeks. That's how long it takes. But I believe that we'll start seeing results after a week. I have taken pictures and weighed myself.  As of right now I weigh 144 lbs. My goal wait is to lose at least 20 lbs. That will put me back at my pre-pregnancy  weight. So we shall see, and I'll be sure to keep you posted weekly.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Here's the Skinny :)

Hi folks, well I have to say that I'm still running and you know it DOES get better? I think for me I want to see immediate results. I want to see a change in my body. Whether it is in how I feel or how I look. I want to feel pain in my legs and buttocks!! I think that's why I enjoy sweating when I workout. It's evidence to me that something is happening, I'm working hard. So let me give you the low down on what's taking place. I've started counting my calories. One day I thought, I should just see how many calories I eat in a day. I was eating over 2000 calories a day EASY! I love snacking, I love precooked microwavable foods and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Totino's little pizza's. (yes I eat the whole thing by myself) Well no wonder why I was getting fat! I was still eating as if I was 21 and if you didn't know this about me, I am NOT 21. Then I started thinking about how skinny I would get when I was nursing my kids. You burn 500 calories in one day from nursing. So I decided that in addition to running I needed to cut down my calories. (you thought I was going to say that I'm gonna start nursing my kids again huh? LOL) NO, I'm trying to stay at 1400 calories a day. Can I just say that this is not an easy thing to do? Especially if you have a sweet tooth. Anyhow, 1. Running 2. Counting Calories 3. Jump roping. Yes, I have added this to my workout. There are times in the day when I can't get out because there is no one to watch the kids. I pull out my jump rope and jump for 10 min. This is equivalent to running a mile in 8 min. (As I'm jumping I always wonder how I did this for so long when I was little? ) If I start to get too tired and my feet trip up, I put the rope down but continue to jump. Sometimes I switch it up by jumping into a squat and then jump jump jump and into a squat again. I'm determined to change my body. I'm not happy with it. So many people say that we need to just accept our body the way it is and I agree. Love how you look, BUT you should strive to be healthy and no healthy doesn't always mean skinny. I took before pictures and when I reach my goal I will post the after pictures :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Once again

Ok, did I mention before that exercise is not my thing? :sigh: Well if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging about my progress it is because there hasn't been any. I fell of the band wagon. BUT I am getting back on :applause please:! Yes, and I am facing  one of my biggest fears. Running. You may wonder why this is such a fear of mine. All I can say is that it is hard, I am afraid of hard work. Sweat. Pain. Running consists of all that stuff. My husband is the one that encouraged me to start. He said "we can zumba for 45 min or run for 10 min" So even though I despise running, I chose to do it rather than the other. But believe me when I say I was NOT happy about doing it. For one, it was cold out and it was night time and welll... and I just did not want to do it.  Let me describe to you how this went down. We go outside and dearest Hubby of mine says lets stretch. We do a few stretches (ones that I haven't done since playing basketball in High School) and then we walked to the end of our driveway and started running. After 60 seconds my lungs started to hurt, or maybe I should say freeze. It was cold outside and it hurt every time I inhaled. My ears started to ache, my nose started to run and I wanted to stop. But we were only a few yards from where we started and well I just have too much pride to give in so I kept running. My husband decides to try and help me out by singing an army marching song. You know "Left, left, left, right left" and then some silly rhyme that goes along with it. He says it helps keep your feet in rhythm which helps you keep going. All it did for me was get on my nerves because I wanted to laugh but I was hating him so much for encouraging me to run. So we run, and get to the end of the road area and turn around. I wanted to stop and start walking. My legs hurt, my hips hurt and oh my goodness my lungs were going to collapse. (Do you feel sorry for me yet or just think i'm pathetic? I know. Pathetic) Anyhow. I don't stop. Again my Pride wouldn't let me give in. My husband kept encouraging me "you're doing great, keep it up" and each time I wanted to just say "shut up you liar, I'm dying here."  We're on our final stretch, he wants us to sprint the last bit to the mailbox, so I try until I realize that the first set of mailboxes were our neighbors and not ours, and I slowed just a bit until we got to ours. (which was literally a couple of feet but felt like yards). I made it. It didn't kill me, not that second at least.  We walk it off a bit and then I went inside the house. It was so hot that I started stripping my clothes off. I had my hoodie tied so as I began pulling my sweater off it got stuck around my head and I was in a serious wrestling match. Finally I won and threw that thing on the ground. My ears drums started hurt so bad. My lungs were just burning. I felt like I was going to throw up. How is it that I can Dance Dance Dance in 5.5 inch heels and not feel this same way? I just don't get it. Anyhow, I survived. I hated it but I survived and guess what? I did it again the next night. It was warmer out and my husband had his music playing on his phone instead of him singing his marching song. It was a bit easier but I still felt shaky and sick afterwards, but the third time I ran wasn't as bad. I had my Mp3 Player blasting in my ears, it was warm out, my lungs didn't ache and I didn't feel sick. I still don't enjoy running. But I do have a goal in mind and I really want to reach that goal. And who knows, maybe one day even after I reach my goal, I'll keep running and I'll do it because I LIKE it :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wow, So it's been a while right?

OK. Confession Time. "I Esther Delgado have not worked out for 2.5 weeks. I have not been drinking my water like I am suppose to and I have not been making healthy choices when it comes to eating." HOWEVER I have been watching my portion size servings. :) The reason for this great failure is that I have been packing and moving into a home and now am unpacking, building furniture and settling into our home :) We have been so busy. We haven't hooked up our Kinect and that really is my only source of exercise *zumba*.  But thankfully I haven't really gained any weight back and I DO plan on starting up again. I also am thinking about getting an exercise bike or treadmill. I fear the treadmill. I don't love running at all. So I would hate to buy something and then never use it. I know I'll use the bike because we had one, even that took me a while to face. Why am I so afraid of these things? Is it because in my mind it is something that really really works out your body and I'm just to lazy to work that hard? I don't know. Doing Zumba is no easy workout. What would happen if I made it a habit of running, will it really make a difference? Am I making it to be scarier than it really is? I guess I won't know until I actually try it huh? When I do, I promise you'll be the first to know!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1 month

One month ago I began exercising and dieting. My goal was to lose one pant size. However I don't think I quite reached that goal. I am a skinny size eight and a chubby 6 as I have heard stated before LOL I would love to be a comfortable 4. But just because I didn't make it into my favorite pair of jeans doesn't mean progress wasn't made. When I started off I took my measurements. Here they are:
Waist -28                         Now:   28
Belly - 36                                     34
Butt - 41                                       40
Thighs-39                                     39
So although it isn't a drastic change, there is still change. I really feel like I can still improve my eating habits and I want to do some different types of exercising. Yoga, biking and possibly running (that's my last resort :) along with my zumba workout. On the flip side I can't tell you how encouraging it is to have my husband workout with me. I laugh watching him do the zumba moves, but we keep each other going. I also have a harder time seeing a change, then I would get discouraged and he would constantly tell me how he can see the difference.
A support system is vital because there will be days when you want to quite or slack off (which leads to quiting). I also think it is important to have realistic expectations. I will always have wider hips and a bubble butt. (not a bad thing) I will never have toothpick thighs and I may always have a "baby pouch" and that's okay. I can have  toner thighs and butt, firmer abs and no muffin top :) I can reach a size 4 but more importantly be tone and healthy ! That is my goal.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A vicious "cycle"

I am convinced that dieting and exercising may be more difficult for a woman. Here is my reason: I have been exercising for two weeks now. I have been drinking 3-4 bottles of water almost everyday. I have cut my portion size nearly in half and increased the quality of food I eat. It is now the beginning of week 3 and I noticed that I am so much more tired than I usual. My food cravings (junk food) has gotten stronger and my stomach feels bloated even if I suck it in! Can any of you ladies out there relate? Even further, can you diagnose the problem? Anyone? Anyone? Yes Lady in the back of the room stuffing chocolate cake in her mouth? (She answers) "P.M.S"!!!! Bingo, you got it. Hormones are out of whack and therefore your body is out of whack. I find my motivation to exercise non-existent. The strength to resist junk food at low capacity. All I want to do is crawl under my blankets, grab a bag of chips smothered in Nacho cheese and turn on the TV. Do men go through these changes? Do they hit these walls? And am I going to feel like this month after month or does it ever get better inspite of the hormonal change cursed on us because of Eve?
I don't have that answer yet and neither does the lady in the back scarfing down chocolate cake. What I do know is that my body has been in control of me for way too long. I give into its desire for Jet's pizza and bread sticks way to easily. The fatigue makes me want to do what it says and just sleep or do nothing. So I have to fight back. I can't give in. I can't say "I'll just work out double time tomorrow" because we all know that that's not going to happen. I may not have my heart in it but if I keep pressing on then this to shall pass :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One week. Any difference?

The hardest thing about working out is not seeing immediate results. You see it immediately when you gain it, but not when you are working hard to lose it. I think this is why so many people quit. It is discouraging when you are working so hard at something and you see nothing. But isn't that just an illusion? I mean, I have worked out for one week. I have curbed my eating diet, and I have cut my soda to about 1 a day. I have also increased my water in take dramatically. To be honest I don't see much of a change. I'll reach for a pair of jeans and it still takes me 4 hops and a squat to squeeze into them. (girls you know exactly what I'm referring to!) HOWEVER!!! I honestly feel a difference. I know the water is flushing out my system, the exercising is making my muscles ache (or should I say "my fat ache" because there isn't much muscle just yet). And mentally, I think about exercising, I think about what I am eating and I feel icky when I eat something that isn't so healthy. My body likes what I am doing. My mind likes what I am doing. My eye's on the other hand  does not like what it sees. I often think, " I wish I could just get all the extra stuff cut off and  have my old body back and then I would REALLY take care of it." But then I wake up and face reality. It's going to take work. Easy is not always the best. I'm doing things the healthier way. (don't get me wrong, I always pray and ask God for a little Divine intervention as well) LOL I think when I reach my goal, I will be so happy to feel and SEE  what I have accomplished through hard work. It's going to be worth it. I have faith that this stuff works :)
NOW I am going to post my measurements :
Waist 28 inches
Belly 36 inches
Butt 41 inches
thighs 39 inches (that's the total circumference of both legs together, not individually ;)
I'll measure again in about a month.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What the Heck was that?

I was suppose to wake up early to work out this morning. Well my husband and I were going to but my daughter kept waking up throughout the night. (she has an ear infection) So sadly, it didn't happen. We took her to the Dr.s and then after that we came home and we "planned" to work out real quick before Miguel had to go to work, but we ordered pizza instead. Not just any pizza, but Jet's pizza. Deep dish, Garlic buttered crust, covered in cheese and pepperoni. We also got  side of cheesy bread sticks. I ate one piece of pizza and two pieces of oh so delicious bread sticks. Half way through I started wondering about how many calories I was eating and how much harder will I have to work out to burn it off? What was wrong with me???? I've been exercising, isn't that good enough? NOPE. Now my conscious is nagging me. I have never in my life felt guilt for eating greasy, and fatty foods. Maybe it's because I've never weighed this much before. Maybe it's because I'm dead serious about wanting to get skinny. Or maybe it's really being scared to death of working out and not seeing any results because I love pizza way too much! (okay, breathe Esther. Soon the spinning will stop) All I know is that this is all new for me. I never had to diet before. I never had to care about what food I ate. but those days are long gone. I need to forget about those days and do something about today.  I need to keep pushing forward. Okay.... the spinning has slowed down. OH one more thing! After eating that yummy pizza, I ate a Krispy Kreme glazed donut.... :sigh: Dear God Help Me!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011 *day 4

This is the first week of discipline and exercise.  Day 1 was pretty hard. I did 30 minutes of cardio. It's a dvd that has 30 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of targeted sections (upper, lower, abs, etc...) Do you want to know what dvd it is? Carmen Electra's strip tease disc 2. It's the aerobics one. I know there are more difficult dvd's out there but I feel like this one is set at my pace yet it is still very challenging. Right now, I can only get through the cardio. The other thing I am doing is Zumba on the Kinect. I know some of you are laughing right now and think "no wonder why she can't lose weight." but seriously the Zumba one kicks my butt and it is so much fun. I love to dance, so this is perfect for me. I struggle with regular work out dvd's because they become boring to me.  So these are the two that I am doing. I think I'm going to look for a good Yoga dvd as well. (the wii was awesome for yoga!)
The other area I need to work on is my diet. I'm not a calorie counter. (too lazy) But I am paying attention to what I eat and how much I eat.
Here is my plan. Every morning I eat a turkey sausage with a slice of cheese on a bagel.(I should probably do it on wheat.) For lunch I will eat something a little heavier. ( I love burgers, chicken salad, pizza, subs, whatever) and then for dinner something light. Maybe a veggie salad. I dunno. Just light.
I also want to cut out sugar. That means, cookie's, lemon pound cake,cheesecake, chocolate,brownies, candy....:sigh: all the things that make me happy. I'll have 1 cup of coffee a day and 1 diet soda a day.  My goal is to increase my water intake. I think if I cut out soda and water from my diet and drink mostly water it will make a big difference.  I am also hoping that my increase in water will help get rid of slight hunger pains from being border line dehydrated.
So good stuff. All of this may seem wrong and a waste of time, but for me it is better. I know it's healthier.

Here I am on day 4. and I have to say that I am actually enjoying working out. Today I did 20 minutes of Zumba and then 10 minutes of dancing. I already feel a little better. I'm excited about working out. I'm excited about making a change :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Crash Diet...

There is a reason why the word "DIE" is in the word Diet. It's hard. It takes discipline. It takes strength and it takes consistency. First let me tell you about my oh soooooo rockin' body. (cough cough ) I am 5'5 and I weigh 140 lbs. ! (please if you weigh more than this , please do not cast any stones) As of right now I fit into a size 10 in Misses. My problem area's are my stomach, thighs and butt. I will even say that my upper arms are getting thicker as well. It seems as if all my fat falls straight past my boobs and sinks to my lower half. Now, I know that I am not fat. I know I'm not overly over weight. BUT I am still over weight. I have always been a size 4/6 and then I had 3 kids. With each child I kept about 10lbs. So here I am 30 lbs. later. and it's just getting worse. You see, I don't eat healthy foods. I don't drink water. (except what I make my coffee with) and I don't exercise. I DO eat lots of easy microwavable foods, I drink plenty of coffee and soda's, and I have also picked up a sweet tooth along the way. (I blame my kids for that too :) I'm a mess. I feel like a mess. I just don't feel healthy. I look in the mirror and I'm not happy with how my body looks. It frustrates me that I have to keep buying new jeans in a bigger size.(and I LOVE shopping)  Here is the thing, when will it stop? I know that it won't stop on it's own. I can't keep living this way, it's unhealthy. But most of all, I want to teach my children the importance of living healthy and being healthy.  That brings me back to the beginning. "Hi, my name is Esther and i'm a Junk Food Junky." (I think I just lost a few just by admitting to that ) I want to use this blog to keep track of what I am doing, what I am eating and my ups and downs throughout this life changing expidition. Maybe you'll want to join me. We can suffer together and rejoice together. God knows that I'll be shedding some tears, and hopefully a few pounds along the way!