Ok, did I mention before that exercise is not my thing? :sigh: Well if you're wondering why I haven't been blogging about my progress it is because there hasn't been any. I fell of the band wagon. BUT I am getting back on :applause please:! Yes, and I am facing one of my biggest fears. Running. You may wonder why this is such a fear of mine. All I can say is that it is hard, I am afraid of hard work. Sweat. Pain. Running consists of all that stuff. My husband is the one that encouraged me to start. He said "we can zumba for 45 min or run for 10 min" So even though I despise running, I chose to do it rather than the other. But believe me when I say I was NOT happy about doing it. For one, it was cold out and it was night time and welll... and I just did not want to do it. Let me describe to you how this went down. We go outside and dearest Hubby of mine says lets stretch. We do a few stretches (ones that I haven't done since playing basketball in High School) and then we walked to the end of our driveway and started running. After 60 seconds my lungs started to hurt, or maybe I should say freeze. It was cold outside and it hurt every time I inhaled. My ears started to ache, my nose started to run and I wanted to stop. But we were only a few yards from where we started and well I just have too much pride to give in so I kept running. My husband decides to try and help me out by singing an army marching song. You know "Left, left, left, right left" and then some silly rhyme that goes along with it. He says it helps keep your feet in rhythm which helps you keep going. All it did for me was get on my nerves because I wanted to laugh but I was hating him so much for encouraging me to run. So we run, and get to the end of the road area and turn around. I wanted to stop and start walking. My legs hurt, my hips hurt and oh my goodness my lungs were going to collapse. (Do you feel sorry for me yet or just think i'm pathetic? I know. Pathetic) Anyhow. I don't stop. Again my Pride wouldn't let me give in. My husband kept encouraging me "you're doing great, keep it up" and each time I wanted to just say "shut up you liar, I'm dying here." We're on our final stretch, he wants us to sprint the last bit to the mailbox, so I try until I realize that the first set of mailboxes were our neighbors and not ours, and I slowed just a bit until we got to ours. (which was literally a couple of feet but felt like yards). I made it. It didn't kill me, not that second at least. We walk it off a bit and then I went inside the house. It was so hot that I started stripping my clothes off. I had my hoodie tied so as I began pulling my sweater off it got stuck around my head and I was in a serious wrestling match. Finally I won and threw that thing on the ground. My ears drums started hurt so bad. My lungs were just burning. I felt like I was going to throw up. How is it that I can Dance Dance Dance in 5.5 inch heels and not feel this same way? I just don't get it. Anyhow, I survived. I hated it but I survived and guess what? I did it again the next night. It was warmer out and my husband had his music playing on his phone instead of him singing his marching song. It was a bit easier but I still felt shaky and sick afterwards, but the third time I ran wasn't as bad. I had my Mp3 Player blasting in my ears, it was warm out, my lungs didn't ache and I didn't feel sick. I still don't enjoy running. But I do have a goal in mind and I really want to reach that goal. And who knows, maybe one day even after I reach my goal, I'll keep running and I'll do it because I LIKE it :)